Steering Committee - Mathematics

Professor of Mathematics at Peking University;

Higgins Professor Emeritus at Princeton University

Research Area: Differential and Symplectic Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Differential Equations
Location: Beijing, China

Dr. Gang Tian has made fundamental contributions to geometric analysis, complex geometry and symplectic geometry. Dr. Gang Tian solved completely the existence of K\”ahler-Einstein metrics on compact complex surfaces with positive first Chern class. He proved that the deformation of Calabi-Yau manifolds is unobstructed, known as the Bogomolov–Tian–Todorov theorem. Together with others, he established a mathematical theory for quantum cohomology and Gromov-Witten invariant. He was also one of pioneers in constructing virtual cycles. He introduced the K-stability which has been further developed and become a central topic in the theory of geometric stability. He initiated the Analytical Minimal Model program through Kahler-Ricci flow, referred as the Song-Tian program on birational geometry. In 2012, he gave a solution for the Yau-Tian-Donaldson's conjecture, a central conjecture in Kahler geometry. Dr. Gang Tian won Alan T. Waterman Award in 1994 and Veblen Prize in 1996. He spoke twice at the International Congress of Mathematics in 1990 and 2002. He was elected to the National Academy of China in 2001 and the American Academy of Arts and Science in 2004.


Last updated on: April 2024


Vasudevan SRINIVAS
